[liberationtech] Is email Dead? Surveillance Inevitable? Introducing Project Caliop

Félix Tréguer ft at laquadrature.net
Thu Aug 22 02:24:26 PDT 2013

You might find this of interest:

    /Project Caliop aims at providing tools and a platform for email
    users can trust, guaranteeing by design the confidentiality of
    communications. In the context of revelations about PRISM showing
    that users cannot trust advertisement-based services such as Gmail,
    and in the wake of the recent shutdown of secure mail services,
    Caliop aims at rethinking the infrastructure for secure email
    communications. Caliop founder Laurent Chemla calls on contributions
    to the initial specifications.//
    //Citizens from all across the Internet are invited to join the
    Caliop bootstrap //mailing-list
    <mailto:talks-request at caliop.net?subject=subscribe>//to discuss the
    initial specifications before they are published on


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