[liberationtech] Secure alternatives to Dropbox?

Bernard Tyers - ei8fdb ei8fdb at ei8fdb.org
Wed Aug 14 14:56:41 PDT 2013

On 14 Aug 2013, at 22:09, Nathan of Guardian <nathan at guardianproject.info> wrote:

> On 08/14/2013 05:01 PM, Web Admin wrote:
>> Are there oher services to consider?
> We (the Guardian Project) are happily using SparkleShare. Credit to the
> Commotion/OTI team for introducing us to it, and for Hans-Christoph on
> our team for getting it running.

Damn, another thing to look at.. :)

> We still have some internal culture and workflow issues to solve (i.e.
> Dropbox is still ingrained in the brain), but technically and
> product-wise it is all there.

This is the issue. Dropboxs work really well. And now that *everyone* knows how it works, people have an expectation that all services should work in the same way.

I have tried to use Spideroak, but it doesn't work in the same way as Dropbox.

Bernard / bluboxthief / ei8fdb

IO91XM / www.ei8fdb.org

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