[liberationtech] Shuttering of Lavabit and Silent Mail Illustrate Potential Effects of a CALEA II

Joseph Lorenzo Hall joe at cdt.org
Wed Aug 14 12:20:28 PDT 2013

(This gets a big wonky, but I figured many of you would be interested in
reading our take. Please do share, forward, critique, etc.)


# Shuttering of Lavabit and Silent Mail Illustrate Potential Effects of

by Joseph Lorenzo Hall
August 14, 2013

With all the news during this “Summer of Snowden,” it can be easy to
forget some of the issues that many of us worried about before the
unprecedented sunlight cast into the U.S. surveillance apparatus. One of
these issues, updates to the Communications Assistance for Law
Enforcement Act (CALEA) (“CALEA II”), has resurfaced. With CALEA II, the
FBI is pushing to expand to Internet applications the technology
mandates of the 1994 CALEA statute, which requires telecommunications
companies to design their services to be wiretap-friendly. Last week,
two providers of encrypted email service – Lavabit[1] and Silent
Circle’s Silent Mail[2] – announced that they were shutting down given
the prospect of secret government demands for access. The news raises
concerns that the government may be, in effect, achieving the goals of
CALEA II without Congress’ approval and, moreover, with a sledgehammer.

For the past several years, various law enforcement officials have been
pressing for updates to CALEA in order to require a wide variety of
online services to be wiretap-capable, a move that CDT has opposed. CDT
and others have argued that CALEA II could slow or even block the
development of innovative products providing secure communications to
businesses and individuals. This past spring, technology experts issued
a report[3] on CALEA II, arguing that requiring backdoors into end-point
software and devices would make these products vastly less secure.

Fast forward to last week: the secure email service Lavabit voluntarily
shut down, without notice, based on an undisclosed judicial order that
Lavabit founder Ladar Levison said put the privacy of Lavabit’s
encrypted email users at risk. “Unfortunately, what’s become clear is
that there’s no protections in our current body of law to keep the
government from compelling us to provide the information necessary to
decrypt those communications in secret,” Levison was quoted[4] as
saying. A few hours after Lavabit announced its closure, Phil
Zimmermann, the creator of the widely used PGP encryption and co-founder
of Silent Circle, announced[5] that Silent Circle had decided to shut
down its secure email product too, anticipating judicial demands in the
future similar to the order Lavabit received.

Secure communications tools are the backbone of modern e-commerce and,
increasingly, of a wide range of online interactions. However, Lavabit
clearly felt that it had to choose between violating the integrity of
its users’ communications or ceasing operations. Likewise, Silent Circle
pre-emptively shut its Silent Mail service down in anticipation of
having to make a similar choice in the future when facing government

The result goes far beyond what Congress provided for even in CALEA I.
That statute has a provision explicitly intended to preserve the ability
of service providers to offer unbreakable encryption. (“A
telecommunications carrier shall not be responsible for decrypting, or
ensuring the government's ability to decrypt, any communication
encrypted by a subscriber or customer, unless the encryption was
provided by the carrier and the carrier possesses the information
necessary to decrypt the communication.” 47 USC 1002(b)(3) (emphasis
added)) CALEA I also explicitly states that it does not authorize “any
law enforcement agency or officer to prohibit the adoption of any …
service, or feature by any provider of a wire or electronic
communication service.” Moreover, CALEA I allows, indeed encourages,
companies to disclose the surveillance features they adopt by providing
a safe harbor for compliance with “publicly available technical
requirements or standards.”

What did the government demand and under what authority prompted
Lavabit’s shutdown? We don’t know, and that’s part of the problem. The
Wiretap Act, which authorizes the government to intercept communications
content prospectively in criminal investigations, indicates that a
provider of wire or electronic communication service (such as Lavabit)
can be compelled to furnish law enforcement with “all information,
facilities and technical assistance necessary to accomplish the
interception unobtrusively… .” 18 USC 2518(4). The Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act (FISA), which regulates surveillance in intelligence
investigations, likewise requires any person specified in a surveillance
order to provide the same assistance (50 USC 1805(2)(B)) and so does the
FISA Amendments Act with respect to directives for surveillance
targeting people and entities reasonably believed to be abroad (50 USC
1881a(h)(1)). The “assistance” the government demands may include the
disclosure of the password information necessary to decrypt the
communications it seeks, if the service provider has that information,
but modern encryption services can be designed so that the service
provider does not hold the keys or passwords. Was the “assistance” that
the government demanded of Lavabit a change in the very architecture of
its secure email service? Was the “assistance” the installation of the
government’s own malware to accomplish the same thing? Lavabit has not
answered these questions outright, but it did make it clear that its
concern extended to the privacy of the communications of all of its
users, not just those of one user under one court order.

We think the law is clear: if you’ve built a secure email service, the
government can’t secretly force you to break it and rebuild it to be
insecure under the “provider assistance” mandate that might accompany a
surveillance order or directive. If that's what the government is
demanding here, then we have CALEA II design mandates imposed by secret
court order, going far beyond anything that Congress ever intended with
the “assistance” requirements of current law and far beyond anything in

If it is the government’s theory that existing law already empowers it
to demand secret alterations in communications services, then the
shutdowns of Lavabit and Silent Mail are very troubling indeed. Take
just one concern: the personal safety of human rights activists who
depend on secure email service in carrying out their work. The U.S.
government has actually supported the development of secure
communications tools for human rights activists. Does the shutdown of
Lavabit mean that secure email services cannot be secure against
government access? Or does it say the U.S. will not tolerate in the U.S.
the kind of secure communications it is promoting in Iran or Tibet?

Last week, President Obama committed his Administration to being more
forthcoming about its surveillance activities in order to engender
public trust. Allowing Lavabit to explain what it was about the
government’s surveillance demands that prompted the company to shut down
its service would go a long way toward building that trust. It would
also tell us whether we can trust any service that promises security
online. A negative answer to that question would have profound
implications for both commerce and the democratic potential of the Internet.

[1]: http://lavabit.com/
[2]: https://silentcircle.com/web/silent-mail/
[3]: https://www.cdt.org/files/pdfs/CALEAII-techreport.pdf
[5]: https://silentcircle.wordpress.com/2013/08/09/to-our-customers/

Joseph Lorenzo Hall
Senior Staff Technologist
Center for Democracy & Technology
1634 I ST NW STE 1100
Washington DC 20006-4011
(p) 202-407-8825
(f) 202-637-0968
joe at cdt.org
PGP: https://josephhall.org/gpg-key
fingerprint: BE7E A889 7742 8773 301B 4FA1 C0E2 6D90 F257 77F8

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