[liberationtech] Snowden: Unencrypted Journalist-Source Communications "Unforgivably Reckless"

Amaelle G amaelle at micro-ouvert.net
Tue Aug 13 10:12:38 PDT 2013

Hi Nadim & all,

Le 13 août 2013 à 18:00, Nadim Kobeissi <nadim at nadim.cc> a écrit :

> http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/18/magazine/snowden-maass-transcript.html
> I hope sending this along will be useful for journalists on this list as well as for those who need extra material to help them convince their journalist friends to adopt privacy-preserving practices. As usual, I'll take the opportunity to again vouch for the need for accessible, easy to use encryption, like what Guardian Project, Whisper Systems and Cryptocat are working on.

It is obviously one side-effect of PRISM revelations that more & more journalists now feel the urge to update their work habits in order to protect their sources. And the more accessible tools we have, the easier it is for the people who feel concerned by these issues to advocate for such improvements.

Good occasion for me to thank all the people involved in projects for easy-to-use anonymization & encryption :)




Amaelle Guiton
Journalisme au futur extérieur @ Radio France & ailleurs 
0x77775AF9 / micro_ouvert at jabber.ubuntu-fr.org
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