[liberationtech] Snowden: Unencrypted Journalist-Source Communications "Unforgivably Reckless"

Nadim Kobeissi nadim at nadim.cc
Tue Aug 13 09:00:20 PDT 2013

Hey LibTech,

In a recently published interview with the New York Times, Edward Snowden called unencrypted communications between journalists and sources "unforgivably reckless":

"I was surprised to realize that there were people in news organizations who didn’t recognize any unencrypted message sent over the Internet is being delivered to every intelligence service in the world. In the wake of this year’s disclosures, it should be clear that unencrypted journalist-source communication is unforgivably reckless."


I hope sending this along will be useful for journalists on this list as well as for those who need extra material to help them convince their journalist friends to adopt privacy-preserving practices. As usual, I'll take the opportunity to again vouch for the need for accessible, easy to use encryption, like what Guardian Project, Whisper Systems and Cryptocat are working on.

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