[liberationtech] Lavabit, Silent Circle both shut down

Arjen Kamphuis arjen at gendo.ch
Sat Aug 10 08:37:27 PDT 2013

Hash: SHA1

On 08/09/2013 09:44 PM, Kyle Maxwell wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 <liberationtech at lewman.us> wrote:
>> On Fri, 09 Aug 2013 <moritz at torservers.net> wrote:
>>> Repeat after me: Iceland is *not* a data haven.
>> [citation needed]
> Shouldn't it be the other way around? If somebody claims that a 
> nation-state possesses specific properties that distinguish it
> from others, shouldn't the burden of proof lie on the person making
> such a claim?

Don't know about Iceland. Even the Green-party interior Minister had
some strange ideas about porn-filtering:
After the last election the conservatives have taken over and things
have not improved.

Switserland however has a strong and brand new constitution
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiss_Constitution) designed to protect
citizens *against* the power of the state. The .ch TLD was the only
Wikileaks domain that never went down in the initial 2010 onslought by
the US governments (when .org and various EU TLD's were taken offline).

There are many high quality hosting providers in Switserland who do
great work at a range of cost-levels. I moved my mailserver to one of
them in early 2006 when it data-retention was on its way to be
implemented in Europe in the wake of the London Bombings. Germany has
since abolished data-retention because it is not compatible with their
constitution so that might also be a place worth looking at.

There is no need to reinvent any wheels on Iceland or in space ;-)

Of course most confidentiality is still obtained by using GPG on a
secure system. But not having your server/service taken down by a
foreign government for the serious crime of journalism or civic
engagement is very nice.

No unplanned outages in over 7.5 years with my provider. Another thing
they do well alongside watches and chocolate ;-)

(disclaimer: I have no relationship with any internet service provider
other that as a satisfied customer)

- -- 
Met vriendelijke groet/With kind regards,
Arjen Kamphuis
Gendo B.V.

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mail: arjen at gendo.ch

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