[liberationtech] Lavabit, Silent Circle both shut down

Richard Graves richardb.graves at gmail.com
Fri Aug 9 12:22:19 PDT 2013

Has anyone taken a run at would it take to have a independent, space based
data haven?


Richard Graves
t: 202-372-6756
t: @RichardGraves

On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 1:46 PM, Moritz Bartl <moritz at torservers.net> wrote:

> On 09.08.2013 18:34, frank at journalistsecurity.net wrote:
> > This suggests that we need a firm based perhaps in Iceland to offer
> > encryption services to have any chance of being secure.
> Please, I don't want to read this myth at least on libtech any more.
> Repeat after me: Iceland is *not* a data haven.
> If a service depends on you having to trust the operator, it cannot be
> "secure" in any meaningful sense.
> --
> Moritz Bartl
> https://www.torservers.net/
> --
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