[liberationtech] Freedom Hosting, Tormail Compromised // OnionCloud

CodesInChaos codesinchaos at gmail.com
Tue Aug 6 08:11:09 PDT 2013

When the user's version is outdated you already display an update notice.
You could add those items from
that apply to the current version. Listing particular vulnerabilities makes
it clear that you actually should
update and that it isn't just a superfluous notice that's just for annoying
the user.

I wouldn't duplicate the actual advisories, but listing them is a good idea

Perhaps something like:

This version of TOR Browser is based on Firefox ESR 17.0.6. You need to
upgrade to fix the following security issues:

Fixed in Firefox ESR 17.0.7
MFSA 2013-59 XrayWrappers can be bypassed to run user defined methods in a
privileged context
MFSA 2013-56 PreserveWrapper has inconsistent behavior
MFSA 2013-55 SVG filters can lead to information disclosure
MFSA 2013-54 Data in the body of XHR HEAD requests leads to CSRF attacks
MFSA 2013-53 Execution of unmapped memory through onreadystatechange event
MFSA 2013-51 Privileged content access and execution via XBL
MFSA 2013-50 Memory corruption found using Address Sanitizer
MFSA 2013-49 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:22.0 / rv:17.0.7)
(With links to Mozilla's advisories and red-orange-yellow highlighting just
like in the original page)
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