[liberationtech] Freedom Hosting, Tormail Compromised // OnionCloud

Jacob Appelbaum jacob at appelbaum.net
Tue Aug 6 06:54:49 PDT 2013

konfkukor at riseup.net:
>> Jacob Appelbaum:
>> I like this idea - though I wonder how users would feel about it? Will
>> they read it? Should it be our own RSS feed or an RSS feed of Mozilla's
>> data?
> I don't like the idea. You need to worry about the upgrading behavior of
> casual users of TBB, who aren't going to bother to read advisories.
> Republishing advisories takes a lot of your valuable time. Added to that,
> every fucking tiny crash-bug in Firefox may grow to a full-blown exploit
> like we've seen.

I tend to agree with this problem - almost any little bug can turn into
an anonymity or security issue. :(

> The people that do read the advisories, can find them at the Firefox ESR
> advisory page
> (https://www.mozilla.org/security/known-vulnerabilities/firefoxESR.html).
> I do think you might want to bother to link to that list of
> vulnerabilities when releasing a new version of TBB with an
> security-updated Firefox. I also like the approach of the TAILS project.
> They just start every single release announcement with 'Numerous security
> bugs found in TAILS X.XX', which makes it crystal clear for the average
> user they need to upgrade. Every time.

I think linking to
is a good idea. I've emailed some people about it - I think it should go
into the ChangeLog.

> Also: please make separate blog posts for regular and alpha releases. It's
> been confusing before. Make sure the regular release sits on top on the
> blog listing.

Good idea.

> Let me propose the announcement of June 26th as I would've
> (retrospectively) liked to see it:
> Subject: Security release. New Tor Browser Bundles.
> Body: All of the Tor Browser Bundles have been updated with the new
> Firefox 17.0.7esr. This includes fixes to <a
> href="https://www.mozilla.org/security/known-vulnerabilities/firefoxESR.html">8
> vulnerabilities</a>, of which 4 have critical impact, and 4 have high
> impact. We <b>strongly</b> urge you to update to the latest version of the
> Tor Browser Bundle (2.3.25-10) as soon as possible.
> [continue with download-easy link and list of updates]

Sounds very reasonable.

>> Nadim Kobeissi:
>> How am I only interested in slinging mud?! How are you even allowed to
>> adopt a tone like this while doing your job as an advocate for Tor? I'm
>> simply trying to advocate for Tor not waiting five weeks before releasing
>> an advisory next time! Comments like this are really just not acceptable,
>> Jake.
> Nadim, you need to calm the fuck down. Take a deep breath, re-read your
> own emails, and consider whether you need to apologize for your
> unproductive stampede.

Our interactions don't need to be so stressful. Perhaps we'll all be
calmer in the future...

All the best,

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