[liberationtech] AfriAsk.com

Timmy Agboola timmyagboola at gmail.com
Mon Aug 5 13:05:17 PDT 2013

In these times of strife and mass insecurity in Nigeria, worsened by gross
mismanagement of our resources and arrant neglect of the Nigerian youths by
the powers that be, the best thing that can ever happen to us is a place
where we can “hang out” together and decide our own destiny by ourselves.

A place where we can learn by teaching ourselves to become better persons,
while socializing and catching fun, all at the same time.

We hereby introduce to you, AfriAsk.com – Africa's first interest-based
social question and answer (QnA) Networking Site. AfriAsk is the latest
networking innovation stemming up from within Nigeria to reach out to our
every own Africa.

Users invite questions from other members of the site. The responses can be
received anonymously.. Afriask allows its users to set up a profile page,
follow other users and ask questions. The questions and  their given
responses are then published on the user's
profile page. .

Users can ask questions anonymously or they can be visibly sent from
another Afriask account depending upon the asker's preference.Users can
choose to disallow anonymous questions and have the ability to block
selected people from asking further questions..

Afriask has a feature for celebrities to better communicate with their fans
including verified accounts..

Afriask is a global social network, where members ask each other questions
and learn more about one other through interesting, funny and personal
responses.People use Afriask to get to know friends (and friends of
friends), have conversations with favorite celebrities, and connect with
others around common interests.

AfriAsk has some amazing features such as:

1) AfriAskers can follow other privately.

2) AfriAsk also asks one question per day name "AfriAsk Question of the
Day" which is flashed in the user's inbox

3) AfriAsk has a "SALUTE" button which acts similar to the "LIKE" button on
facebook.. And so many more......

We would love You to be part of this... www.afriask.com

We hope to hear from you soon.


Yours faithfully,
Agboola Timmy
:For the AfriAsk team
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