[liberationtech] Android Full-Disk Encryption Cracked

Tom Ritter tom at ritter.vg
Mon Apr 29 19:55:33 PDT 2013

While defending against side channel attacks like power analysis is
desirable, and key stretching can be used to slow down cracking...
there's a much simpler win that can be done right now, much more
easily that using a Yubikey.

Android *NEEDS* to allow a user to have a separate unlock screen
password from the disk password. Most users are wholly unwilling to
have a long screen unlock password, but willing to have a long boot
password.  They need to be decoupled.  There is no technical reason
this is not possible (as demonstrated) - it's just usability concerns
and UI. This issue is at
https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=29468 and I
encourage you to star it to vote for it.


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