[liberationtech] Creating the World Parliament: Seven Challenges for Interactions Designers

Doug Schuler douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Mon Apr 29 15:58:26 PDT 2013

Creating the World Parliament: Seven Challenges for Interactions Designers

I’m sending this note to several mailing lists so please excuse me if you receive more than one. 

My article, Creating the World Parliament: Seven Challenges for Interactions Designers, is in the latest ACM Interactions and is now online. 


I’m frankly hoping that everybody who may be interested in this topic will at least learn that the paper exists. 

I’m trying to raise several important issues with the paper. The first is that what we’d like to see is unlikely to be developed by the government or corporations. The second is that the historical opportunity is right now. The third is that it will be require a conscious, civil-society-led, meta-effort. It won’t happen by itself. The fourth is that it must be a large collaborative effort that is not primarily technological. 

And while I consider the paper a provocation to some degree, I’m extremely serious about the need to work together more effectively at this historical juncture. I hope to see it!

Thanks in advance for your comments or suggestions!  I’m also interested in any and all pointers to relevant information. 

— Doug Schuler, Public Sphere Project

Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org

Public Sphere Project

Liberating Voices!  A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution (project) 

Liberating Voices!  A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution (book)

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