[liberationtech] Secure, inexpensive hosting of activist sites

Travis McCrea me at travismccrea.com
Mon Apr 22 07:14:03 PDT 2013

Hash: SHA512

Either I missed it, or it wasn't posted: dod.net is a wonderful 501(c)3
which has a great distributed network of servers and is super big on
privacy protection and their clients data.

It's free to host with them, but they ask for donations.

Also BuyVM.net has also been a great host that even up until recently
let you run tor exit nodes. Francisco (the owner) has a liberal policy
towards linking, and allows torrent trackers (with the official line
that they can't track copyrighted material) which is great for
dissemination of large files like wikileaks archives.

dod.net is shared hosting, with a jailed SSH. buyvm.net is a VPS.

Eugen Leitl wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 09:26:05PM -0400, micah wrote:
>> Can't rely on them to be there for what exactly?
> Just being there and responsive for the entire duration you need
> them.
>> Where is the liberatory technological element to recommending
>> commercial
> The liberatory technological element is to use distributed services 
> not linkable to a certain specific server or location. You're
> welcome.
>> services when they are more than happy when the "shit hits it" to
>> bend over backwards for law enforcement without bothering even
>> questioning if
> Have you ever heard of bullet proof hosting? Do you think that
> snowshoe spammer and carder and malware hosters care a damn thing
> about the content they host?
>> the request is even legal because that would cut into their
>> profits?  I
> Very simple: they do not care whether it's legal. Their business
> model is that they don't care, as long as the account gets paid.
>> have to say I agree with ilf, this is pretty depressing for this
>> list.
> You'll get used to it. I did.
>> How can anyone in good conscience recommend to activists
>> commercial services whose primary goal is to optimize for the
>> bottom line? You
> How can anyone engage in strawmen of such appalling quality?
>> realize that when "the shit hits it" you can rely on them to not
>> waste any of their money fighting for you. Not that it matters,
>> because they are already deupitized data collection points for the
>> police, building into their money-making schemes keeping as much
>> logs as they possibily can to maximize profits from various
>> advertising and surveillance efforts.
>> And really, Cloudflare? Comon. After their willingness to roll over
>> on
> What about Cloudflare? Can't recall mentioning them.
>> the subpoena for Barret Brown and prentend that they were the
>> internet's saviors by making up that whole thing about how they
>> saved the internet from the biggest DDOS ever?
>> This is an amazing statement: "free is distinctly unaffordable" --
>> what meaning of "free" are you using here?  There are other things
>> that I'd
> Free, as in free beer.
>> pay *more* money for if it meant the kind of free that I'm thinking
>> of was in play... But this is 'liberationtech', right? Is the only
>> thing you are concerned about is being liberated from your money
>> when doing tech things?
>> The cognitive dissonance here is deafening.
> How would you know? -- Too many emails? Unsubscribe, change to
> digest, or change password by emailing moderator at
> companys at stanford.edu or changing your settings at
> https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech
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