[liberationtech] And right on cue, the flush our civil liberties down the toilet boys rear their ugly heads

Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes alps6085 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 19 14:27:27 PDT 2013

Jacob, it's all that and worse, I'm sure. Why wouldn't be any different?

After all, there has been a terrorist attack in Boston, so one would expect
the state of the art in counter-terrorism in full force here!
On Apr 19, 2013 2:58 PM, "Jacob Appelbaum" <jacob at appelbaum.net> wrote:

> Shava Nerad:
> > I was fascinated today to see Mother Jones and many others reposting,
> > entirely without reflection or comment, what seemed to me to be not
> > "crowdsourced" images but second story surveillance camera shots of the
> > suspects.  (Who, in addition, are being howled after as guilty until
> proven
> > innocent in this digital manhunt - and thank God the NYPost "exonerated"
> > their suspects before that turned into something ugly...)
> >
> > Well, yes, the FBI is doing their job with the tools available, and as I
> > live in metro Boston I would most healthily STFU...  But if this incident
> > had happened in London, I can't help but think MJ et al might have
> engaged
> > a moment of reflection and spine in the middle of that process, perhaps?
> I find it telling that the local news papers in Seattle referred to
> their photos as 'potential suspects' on the front page. The use of
> language is telling - it suggests that to be suspect is to be guilty. I
> wouldn't be surprised if we saw people using the word potential as a
> subtle replacement for suspect in the near future again and again.
> I also find it striking that it looks like de facto martial law has been
> imposed on parts of Boston:
> http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/19/us/gallery/boston-area-violence/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
> Who are all the players in this by the way? The SWAT team in those
> photos looks like a full blown military unit; the vehicles look like
> APC/mini-tanks. The bomb robots look like iRobot produced machines.
> I haven't seen any of the radio equipment up close but I'd bet that
> they're pulling out all the stops. I wonder if they'll publish the raw
> logs from the Boston ShotSpotter system? I know they have it deployed
> but I'm not sure if it extended to MIT's campus.
> All the best,
> Jacob
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