[liberationtech] GoAgent proxy

Cooper Quintin cooper at radicaldesigns.org
Tue Apr 16 14:16:20 PDT 2013

Whether or not you should use this depends on what threat model the
activists you work with are facing.  In general if you are worried about
security, I would recommend TOR over this, since TOR has been
independently verified to be reasonably secure if used right by many
experts and AFAIK this software has not.  I'm not even clear on what
advantages this proxy provides other than simply being a proxy. I am
hard pressed to think of a situation where using this would be
preferable over TOR.  I am curious to hear why you are considering this
software and what threats you are anticipating.

Cooper Quintin
Technology Director
PGP Key ID: 75FB 9347 FA4B 22A0 5068 080B D0EA 7B6F F0AF E2CA

On 04/16/2013 02:02 PM, x z wrote:
> Hi Wojtek,
> GoAgent is a GAE (Google AppEngine) based proxy. I don't have first-hand
> experience with GoAgent, but I know it's used by many of my Google+
> friends in China. It has reputation of being reliable and fast.
> There is a Wikipedia page for GoAgent, but it's in Chinese.
> See http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/GoAgent (for non-Chinese speakers, read
> it in Google Translate,
> http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=zh-CN&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fzh.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FGoAgent).
> According to the page, it is developed by two Chinese software
> engineers: (twitter: @hewigovens
> <https://twitter.com/hewigovens>, at phuslu <https://twitter.com/phuslu>).
> Best,
> 2013/4/16 Wojtek Bogusz <wojtek at frontlinedefenders.org
> <mailto:wojtek at frontlinedefenders.org>>
>     hi all,
>     does anybody know GoAgent proxy?
>     there is very little information about it i can find:
>             https://github.com/goagent/goagent
>             https://code.google.com/p/goagent/
>     i am trying to understand is it something that should be used by
>     activists in the field - and why or why not?
>     also in context of the discussion on trust: who is behind this project?
>     i would really appreciate your help.
>     cheers, Wojtek
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