[liberationtech] GoAgent proxy

x z xhzhang at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 14:02:12 PDT 2013

Hi Wojtek,

GoAgent is a GAE (Google AppEngine) based proxy. I don't have first-hand
experience with GoAgent, but I know it's used by many of my Google+ friends
in China. It has reputation of being reliable and fast.

There is a Wikipedia page for GoAgent, but it's in Chinese. See
http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/GoAgent (for non-Chinese speakers, read it in
Google Translate,

According to the page, it is developed by two Chinese software engineers:
(twitter: @hewigovens
<https://twitter.com/hewigovens>, at phuslu<https://twitter.com/phuslu>


2013/4/16 Wojtek Bogusz <wojtek at frontlinedefenders.org>

> hi all,
> does anybody know GoAgent proxy?
> there is very little information about it i can find:
>         https://github.com/goagent/goagent
>         https://code.google.com/p/goagent/
> i am trying to understand is it something that should be used by
> activists in the field - and why or why not?
> also in context of the discussion on trust: who is behind this project?
> i would really appreciate your help.
> cheers, Wojtek
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