[liberationtech] Fwd: Democracy crowdsourcing in Estonia

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Wed Apr 10 01:16:33 PDT 2013

From: Liia Hänni <liia.hanni at gmail.com>

I am glad to inform you, that yesterday the President of Estonia, Toomas
Hendrik Ilves, presented to the Parliament a package of proposals intended
to advance the functioning of democracy in our country. The proposals were
elaborated by the civil society as a result of a co-creation
(crowdsourcing) process, which took place during the previous three months.

** **

The process started by opening an online platform www.rahvakogu.ee
(so-called People’s Assambly) for crowdsourcing ideas and proposals on
five topics, where public dissatisfaction with the present situations was
obvious: the electoral system, competition between political parties and
their internal democracy, financing of political parties, strengthening the
role of civic society in politics between the elections, and politicization
of public offices.****

** **

The co-creation process combines modern communication tools with
traditional face-to-face discussions. During the first stage (until the end
of January 2013) nearly 2,000 proposals and comments were submitted,
commented, supported or criticized online. During February and March 2013,
analysts grouped the proposals and comments into bundles of different
scenarios and provided an impact analysis. On 6 April 2013, a “deliberation
day“ was held to select the most preferred scenarios at a public meeting.
This event gathered 300 people, randomly selected to proportionally
represent all (voting) age groups, genders, regions and nationalities. On 9
April 2013, 16 proposals were presented to the Parliament by the President
of the Republic of Estonia.****

** **

The People’s Assembly is organized by volunteers from various civil society
organizations. The member organizations of the  Estonian CS OGP Roundtable
were actively involved in the process.  Several proposals presented to the
Parliament intend to get open government in Estonia to the next, more
advanced level.****

** **

Kind regards and best wishes for the progress of OGP.****

** **

Liia Hänni****

Coordinator of the Estonian CS OGP Roundtable****

+372 641 1313****

+372 512 7316****

liia at ega.ee ****

www.ega.ee ****
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