[liberationtech] Weird Skype behavior... any ideas?

Katy P katycarvt at gmail.com
Sun Apr 7 09:42:17 PDT 2013

Any ideas about what is going on would be welcomed or a contact at Skype
would be even better:

Okay - 1 person located in the U.S. talking to people who are likely to be
monitored in a country where Internet surveillance is common.

When person in America gets on the Skype call, after a few minutes, the
call is dropped and person in America is told that their account is
suspended because it detected unusual behavior.

The person in America then has to answer a series of security questions to
log back in.

At this point, the person in America can't even log into Skype because
they've had to change their password so frequently in the past week.

This seems to especially happen when the person on Skype in the
authoritarian state is on a mobile phone rather than computer-based Skype.
(I don't know if this means that they're calling his mobile number or if he
is using Skype on his mobile over a data connection.)

Does anyone know anyone at Skype that can help OR have any ideas as to what
is going on?

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