[liberationtech] EVENT: #YoSoy132: Mexico’s Networked Social Movement – Sep 20, 5pm at the NERD Center

Douglas Lucas dal at riseup.net
Sun Sep 23 17:53:40 PDT 2012

Hi everyone,

J. Nathan Matias (@natematias) blogged very thoroughly about the panel
mentioned in the earlier Libtech email quoted below. Here's his post:


On 09/12/2012 12:22 PM, Yosem Companys wrote:
>     Panel discussion on the #YoSoy132: Mexico’s Networked Social
>     Movement – Sep 20, 5pm at the NERD Center
>     <http://socialmediacollective.org/2012/09/12/panel-discussion-on-the-yosoy132-mexicos-networked-social-movement-sep-20-5pm-at-the-nerd-center/>
> by Andrés Monroy-Hernández
> <http://socialmediacollective.org/author/andresmh/>
> In collaboration with the MIT Center for Future Civic Media, Microsoft
> Research New England is hosting a discussion about the #YoSoy132
> activist movement. Open to the public. 
> *What: #YoSoy132: Mexico's Networked Social Movement*
> *When*: Thursday September 20 at 5:00 PM 
> *Where*: Microsoft Conference Center (Barton Room) located at One
> Memorial Drive
> <http://microsoftcambridge.com/About/Directions/tabid/89/Default.aspx>,
> First Floor, Cambridge, MA
> *Abstract*
> The role of social media in movements like the Arab Spring and Occupy
> Wall Street has been much discussed, and such "hashtagged" social
> movements continue to appear in multiple latitudes. The panelists will
> discuss the development of the #YoSoy132
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yosoy132> movement, "I am 132" in English,
> an ongoing student-led activist group that fights for democracy and
> against media bias in an apparent attempt to impose the next president
> of Mexico during the recent 2012 general election. The movement embodies
> the collision between centralized traditional media and distributed
> social media, and reveals the limitations of social media in reaching
> beyond those who are already networked. The panelists include a member
> of the #YoSoy132 and researchers investigating networked social movements.
> *Bios*
> *Sasha Costanza-Chock* is a researcher and mediamaker who works on civic
> media, the political economy of communication, and collaborative design
> for media justice and communication rights. He is Assistant Professor of
> Civic Media at MIT's Comparative Media Studies program, Co-PI of the
> Center for Civic Media, and a Faculty Associate at the Berkman Center
> for Internet & Society. Sasha has been a part of the Independent Media
> Center network, the Allied Media Conference, and VozMob, among other
> projects. For more info see http://schock.cc <http://schock.cc/>.
> Twitter: @schock <http://twitter.com/schock>
> *Antonio Attolini Murra* is a student at the Instituto Tecnológico
> Autónomo de México majoring in political science and international
> relations and the spokesperson of his university's Local Assembly in the
> student movement #YoSoy132. He has participated in several conferences
> about transnational organized crime and political reforms in Mexico. In
> 2011, he was elected Secretary General of his university's Model of
> United Nations. He writes in his school's newspaper, specialized
> publications, and online news portals such as Animal Político and ADN
> Político. Antonio is an avid social media user and blogs at
> http://antonioattolini.blogspot.
> <http://antonioattolini.blogspot.com>com
> <http://antonioattolini.blogspot.com> Twitter: @antonioattolini
> <http://twitter.com/antonioattolini>
> *Andrés Monroy-Hernández* is a social computing researcher at Microsoft
> Research and an affiliate at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet &
> Society. His research focuses on the design and study of social media
> systems that support collaboration for creative expression and civic
> engagement. His current research looks at the use of social media in
> crises, such as in the Mexican Drug War. Andrés' work has been featured
> in the New York Times, CNN, and Wired. Andrés holds a PhD and a Masters
> from the MIT Media Lab, and a Bachelor’s from Tecnológico de Monterrey.
> For more info see: http://andresmh.com <http://andresmh.com/>. Twitter:
> @andresmh <http://twitter.com/andresmh>
> *Arrival Guidance*
> Upon arrival at One Memorial Drive, kindly approach the Lobby Floor
> Security Desk; identity yourself, show your picture ID and sign the
> Building Visitor Log. 
> --
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