[liberationtech] EVENT: #YoSoy132: Mexico’s Networked Social Movement – Sep 20, 5pm at the NERD Center

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Wed Sep 12 09:22:49 PDT 2012

Panel discussion on the #YoSoy132: Mexico’s Networked Social Movement – Sep
20, 5pm at the NERD
Andrés Monroy-Hernández <http://socialmediacollective.org/author/andresmh/>

In collaboration with the MIT Center for Future Civic Media, Microsoft
Research New England is hosting a discussion about the #YoSoy132 activist
movement. Open to the public.

*What: #YoSoy132: Mexico's Networked Social Movement*

*When*: Thursday September 20 at 5:00 PM

*Where*: Microsoft Conference Center (Barton Room) located at One Memorial
Drive <http://microsoftcambridge.com/About/Directions/tabid/89/Default.aspx>,
First Floor, Cambridge, MA


The role of social media in movements like the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall
Street has been much discussed, and such "hashtagged" social movements
continue to appear in multiple latitudes. The panelists will discuss the
development of the #YoSoy132
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yosoy132>movement, "I am 132" in
English, an ongoing student-led activist group that
fights for democracy and against media bias in an apparent attempt to
impose the next president of Mexico during the recent 2012 general
election. The movement embodies the collision between centralized
traditional media and distributed social media, and reveals the limitations
of social media in reaching beyond those who are already networked. The
panelists include a member of the #YoSoy132 and researchers investigating
networked social movements.


*Sasha Costanza-Chock* is a researcher and mediamaker who works on civic
media, the political economy of communication, and collaborative design for
media justice and communication rights. He is Assistant Professor of Civic
Media at MIT's Comparative Media Studies program, Co-PI of the Center for
Civic Media, and a Faculty Associate at the Berkman Center for Internet &
Society. Sasha has been a part of the Independent Media Center network, the
Allied Media Conference, and VozMob, among other projects. For more info
see http://schock.cc. Twitter: @schock <http://twitter.com/schock>

*Antonio Attolini Murra* is a student at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo
de México majoring in political science and international relations and the
spokesperson of his university's Local Assembly in the student movement
#YoSoy132. He has participated in several conferences about transnational
organized crime and political reforms in Mexico. In 2011, he was elected
Secretary General of his university's Model of United Nations. He writes in
his school's newspaper, specialized publications, and online news portals
such as Animal Político and ADN Político. Antonio is an avid social media
user and blogs at
com <http://antonioattolini.blogspot.com> Twitter:

*Andrés Monroy-Hernández* is a social computing researcher at Microsoft
Research and an affiliate at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet &
Society. His research focuses on the design and study of social media
systems that support collaboration for creative expression and civic
engagement. His current research looks at the use of social media in
crises, such as in the Mexican Drug War. Andrés' work has been featured in
the New York Times, CNN, and Wired. Andrés holds a PhD and a Masters from
the MIT Media Lab, and a Bachelor’s from Tecnológico de Monterrey. For more
info see: http://andresmh.com. Twitter: @andresmh<http://twitter.com/andresmh>

*Arrival Guidance*

Upon arrival at One Memorial Drive, kindly approach the Lobby Floor
Security Desk; identity yourself, show your picture ID and sign the
Building Visitor Log.
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