[liberationtech] hiring research on ICTs and governance data in the Arab region

Christopher Wilson wilson at theengineroom.org
Fri Sep 14 06:14:51 PDT 2012

For circulation to interested researchers/consultants:

UNDP is looking for a consultant to produce do a comparative mapping of
regional initiatives and produce a research paper.  Approx 10-15 work days
are estimated, but it could be done much quicker by someone familiar with
the initiatives and issue areas.

>From the TOR:

The research will focus on initiatives in the Arab region that generate,
collect, and/or disseminate data on governance.  The mapping should
identify a small number (5-10) of the most relevant initiatives, and
conduct comparative research to suggest

   1. the manner and degree to which initiatives engage with partners from
      government, media and civil society; and
      2. the degree and type of use and engagement by stakeholders
      3. any specific outcomes that may be attributed to the initiative in
      whole or in part.

Research will include quantitative and qualitative methods, based on desk
research and interviews (via VOIP or telephone) with initiatives. Results
will be presented in a manner that will facilitate analysis, and which will
prompt debate and discussion in the Governance Week session on ICTs and
governance data. The research should also identify appropriate panelists
and participants for the session.

More info, including Terms of
is at
Formal enquiries can be sent to
governance.assessments at undp.org<governance.assessments at undp.org?subject=research%20consultancy>.
I can also answer questions at christopher.wilson at undp.org.
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