[liberationtech] ICA Panel: Social Media as Motivators of Change

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Mon Oct 29 07:38:23 PDT 2012

From: Dr. Rasha Abdulla <rasha at aucegypt.edu>

Dear colleagues,

I know this is last minute, but I'm hoping to put together a panel for ICA
on "Social Media as Motivators of Change". If you are interested, please
email me your information and a short abstract. Conversely, if you're
working on something similar and need participants, please let me know. My
contribution will be focused on aspects of social media use before, during,
and after Egypt's revolution.

Best regards.

Rasha A. Abdulla, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and former Chair
Journalism and Mass Communication
The American University in Cairo
Twitter: @RashaAbdulla

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