[liberationtech] Open Video Forum Dec 13-4 / Open Video Handbook Mini-Sprint Dec 15-16 in Berlin, Germany

Soenke Zehle s.zehle at xmlab.org
Mon Oct 29 02:55:07 PDT 2012

Hi all,

if you are in Berlin, let us know / pls attend; remote participation
possible (mokolo-video mailing list, Open Video Handbooks), so if you
know people interested feel free to share,



Open Video Forum

ovf at xmlab.org

13-14 / 12 / 2012 Su­per­markt Ber­lin

Af­ri­can de­ve­l­o­pers have be­co­me key play­ers in mo­bi­le
tech­no­lo­gy in­no­va­ti­on. There is wide spre­ad uptake of mo­bi­le
pho­nes, the use of micro pay­ments using cell pho­nes has gone viral,
cheap un­li­mi­ted data plans for so­ci­al media ser­vices and email
are ge­ne­ral­ly avail­able. At the same time, the si­tua­ti­on for
de­ve­l­o­pers re­mains com­plex, as broad­band avail­a­bi­li­ty and
net­work strength va­ries wi­de­ly across the con­ti­nent.

The Open Video Forum Dec 13-14, 2012 brings Eu­ro­pean and Af­ri­can
de­ve­l­o­pers ac­tive / in­te­rested in the Mo­ko­lo pro­ject, a
pan-Af­ri­can in­itia­ti­ve dri­ven by a vi­si­on of sup­porting the
on­line dis­tri­bu­ti­on of Af­ri­can film / vi­su­al media,
to­ge­ther with open video de­ve­l­o­pers. Ques­ti­ons of strea­m­ing
in band­width-di­ver­se en­vi­ron­ments are as cen­tral as the role of
se­man­tic ana­ly­sis and the col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve crea­ti­on of

Stream I
De­ve­lop­ment for Di­ver­si­ty: The Af­ri­can Hub Ex­pe­ri­ence

Villa ACT, Se­ne­gal and Ac­tive­s­paces, Ca­meroon, will share their
ex­pe­ri­en­ces or working as IT / Soft­ware De­ve­l­o­pers in
Af­ri­ca. Their in­va­luable input in­clu­des the fol­lo­wing areas of
re­se­arch for Mokolo.Labs: ac­ces­si­ble open sour­ce so­lu­ti­ons
for Af­ri­can video pro­du­cers; low-cost ser­ver side so­lu­ti­ons
for video dis­tri­bu­ti­on se­man­tic se­arch based on in­crea­sed
avail­a­bi­li­ty of me­ta­da­ta; con­nec­tion of au­dio­vi­su­al work
with cul­tu­ral me­ta­da­ta; lo­ca­ti­on-ba­sed video com­pres­si­on.

All of the work is open sour­ce, and the out­co­mes will be avail­able
as Open Edu­ca­tio­nal Re­sour­ces.

Stream II
Crowd­sour­cing Me­ta­da­ta: Ex­plo­ring Band­width Di­ver­si­ty

For Mokolo.Labs, the de­ve­lop­ment chal­len­ge for in­no­va­ti­ve
video dis­tri­bu­ti­on is not low-band­with, but band­width
di­ver­si­ty and re­sour­ce ef­fi­ci­en­cy. A ge­ne­ra­li­zed user
ex­pe­ri­ence can only be achie­ved when a rea­lis­tic band­width
pic­tu­re is known to the de­ve­l­o­pers. Often net­work car­ri­ers
mar­ket their con­nec­tion plans with “max band­width xyz”. We aim to
as­sist de­ve­l­o­pers through the crea­ti­on of an Af­ri­can Video
Band­width Ob­ser­va­to­ry and in­vi­te part­nerships with the
Mo­lo­koLabs pro­ject in this ef­fort. Areas of in­te­rest: so­ci­al
view­ing ex­pe­ri­ence; crowd-sour­ced me­ta­da­ta & con­tent
cu­ra­ti­on; pro­gres­si­ve down­load & ad­ap­ti­ve bi­tra­te
strea­m­ing; test frame­works & user feed­back stra­te­gies.

Live-strea­m­ing of all ses­si­ons is pro­vi­ded by Stream­park.

A de­tai­led sche­du­le / list of par­ti­ci­pants will be made avail­able soon.

Your In­vol­ve­ment

If you are an open video de­ve­l­oper or ge­ne­ral­ly in­te­rested in
sup­porting the pro­ject, plea­se con­sider the fol­lo­wing:

 > use the #ov­fo­rum hash­tag on Twit­ter

> sign up for the mo­ko­lo-vi­deo mai­ling list to stay in­vol­ved

> share your own re­se­arch with us, and let us know if we can in­clu­de it on the event web­site

> at­tend the event

> re­gis­ter as a cont­ri­bu­tor for the Open Video Hand­book I (frame­works) or Open Video Hand­book II (end-user tech­no­lo­gies)

And, of cour­se, con­tact us with ques­ti­ons and sug­ges­ti­ons !


Mick Fuzz
Vin­cent La­goy­e­te
Emeka Okoye
Qui­rin Pils
Jan Tret­schok
Fua Tse
So­en­ke Zehle

Open Video Handbook Mini-Sprint
15-16 / 12 / 2012 Su­per­markt Ber­lin

The Open Video Forum will be fol­lo­wed Dec 15-16, 2012 by a
mi­ni-sprint for an Open Video Hand­book, or­ga­ni­zed in
co­ope­ra­ti­on with FLOSS Ma­nu­als and fa­ci­li­ta­ted by Mick Fuzz.
The Hand­book will be avail­able as an open edu­ca­tio­nal re­sour­ce
(OER) and ad­dress the needs of Af­ri­can IT de­ve­l­o­pers
in­te­rested in the fu­ture of on­line video.

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