[liberationtech] FW: Internews Phone Briefing: "The Rise of Russia's Internet"

Teri Carhart (TCarhart@INTERNEWS.ORG) TCarhart at INTERNEWS.ORG
Tue Oct 23 09:15:59 PDT 2012

Hello LibTech folks,

For those of you interested in Russia's ICT sector, please join us for a presentation by phone:
The Rise of Russia's Internet: Opportunities and Threats Under an Authoritarian Regime
Thursday, October 25, 9AM PST / 12:00PM EST
Please join us by phone for a conversation with Josh Machleder<http://e2ma.net/go/12923009695/214190652/238165648/1406122/goto:http:/www.internews.org/about-internews/bio/josh-machleder>, Internews' Vice President for Europe, Eurasia and Global Human Rights, and Dr. Alexey Sidorenko, Russian Internet expert and Internews' Project Director.  Josh and Alexey will share with us their work and insights on Russia's explosive new media environment.
>From 2009-2012, Dr. Sidorenko was a reporter and an editor of the "RuNet Echo" a project at Global Voices Online, where he researched and analyzed developments in the Russian Internet sphere.
Since February 2012, Dr. Sidorenko has worked as the head of the Moscow-based project "Teplitsa of Social Technologies," an innovation incubator dedicated to the creation of citizen web applications and enhancing NGO ICT skills.
Teplitsa (greenhouse) is a joint project of Internews and the Russian NGO, Agency for Social Information.
RSVP: tcarhart at internews.org<mailto:tcarhart at internews.org> | 415-425-9985 Calling instructions for the phone briefing will be provided with RSVP confirmation.

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