[liberationtech] "Nonprofit's Technology Needs Grow as Its Programs Grow"
Deborah Elizabeth Finn
deborah_elizabeth_finn at post.harvard.edu
Tue Oct 23 08:49:33 PDT 2012
Dear Liberation Tech Colleagues,
Many of you know that the Data Collaborative
<http://www.datacollaborative.com> underwrites my time to provide pro
bono strategic assistance to small, cash-strapped nonprofits with
great missions. Some of you have asked me what sorts of challenges
can be addressed this way.
I thought that you might like to take a look at this very short blog
article, which is about a recent strategic tech consult that we did
with Interise here in Boston:
"Nonprofit's Technology Needs Grow as Its Programs Grow"
More information about the Data Collaborative's donated services can
be found at <http://www.datacollaborative.com/about/nonprofits/donated_service>.
Best regards from Deborah
Deborah Elizabeth Finn
Strategist and Consultant
Technology for the Nonprofit and Philanthropic Sector
Please note new mailing address:
304 Newbury Street #275
Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA
Email: deborah.elizabeth at finn.com
Skype: Deborah909
Twitter: Deborah909
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/deborah909
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Deborah.Elizabeth.Finn
Mobile phone: 1-617-504-8188
Voicemail: 1-617-958-1959
I bring resources and needs together for nonprofits and
philanthropies, mostly through strategic use of information
and communication technologies.
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