[liberationtech] Two events celebrating Alexander R. Galloway's new book The Interface Effect

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Tue Oct 16 18:27:43 PDT 2012

From: Alexander R. Galloway <galloway at nyu.edu>

Dear Friends,

Please join me for two events celebrating the release of my new book The
Interface Effect. http://www.politybooks.com/book.asp?ref=0745662528

+ + +

Thursday, October 18th, at 5:30pm

66 West 12th, room A510, New York

I will be speaking informally as part of a panel along with Geert Lovink
and McKenzie Wark hosted by the New School. More information here

+ + +

Tuesday, October 23rd, at 7:30pm

155 Freeman Street, Brooklyn

I will be giving a more formal presentation about the book, hosted by
Light Industry and Triple Canopy. More information here

Happy fall,

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