[liberationtech] Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Cyber Security Policy

Jill Moss jmoss at bbg.gov
Tue Oct 16 12:28:52 PDT 2012

Monterey Institute Seeks Post-Doctoral Fellow in Cyber Security Policy

The Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS), a graduate school of Middlebury College located in Monterey, California, is seeking a post-doctoral fellow for our Cyber Security Initiative. This one-year, full-time staff position will afford unique opportunities for teaching in our MA program in Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies<http://www.miis.edu/academics/programs/npts>,  collaborative research with experts at the Center for Nonproliferation Studies<http://cns.miis.edu/> and Monterey Terrorism Research and Education Program<http://www.miis.edu/academics/researchcenters/terrorism>, and working with the Institute's leadership to develop a new program in cyber security policy. A full description of the position is attached.

Current plans call for the position to be open until filled but candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible through the Middlebury job search site, https://middlebury.peopleadmin.com/. I hope you will pass this position announcement along to any interested colleagues or doctoral students. If you have any  questions on the position or the Institute, please email me at  fwehling at miis.edu<mailto:fwehling at miis.edu>.

Many thanks,
Fred Wehling

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