[liberationtech] Call: “Communication, Crisis, and Critique in Contemporary Capitalism“ - ESA RN18 Conference

Christian Fuchs christian.fuchs at uti.at
Thu May 17 10:48:05 PDT 2012

European Sociological Association (ESA): Research Network 18 – Sociology 
of Communications and Media Research
Conference “Communication, Crisis, and Critique in Contemporary Capitalism“
October 18-20, 2012. University of the Basque Country, Bilbao
Abstract submission deadline: May 31st
Keynote talk: Peter Golding "Why a Sociologist should take 
Communications and Media Seriously”
Submission information: 

Dear colleagues,

In my role as chair of the European Sociological Association’s (ESA) 
Research Network 18 – Sociology of Communications and Media Research, I 
want to invite you to submit abstracts for presentations at the RN18 
conference “Communication, Crisis, and Critique in Contemporary 
Capitalism“. The deadline for submission is approaching – May 31st.

The conference will provide opportunities for presenting ideas in the 
field of the critical study of media, communication & society, for 
networking, and for meeting people working in this research area. It 
will feature the keynote talk “Why a Sociologist should take 
Communications and Media Seriously” by Peter Golding, who is not only a 
leading scholar in the political economy of media and communication, but 
also founded RN18 and is its honorary chair. The conference will take 
place in Bilbao, which is a great city to visit in autumn.

Membership in the ESA and RN18 provides reduced participation fees both 
for the bi-annual ESA conference and the bi-annual RN18 conference and 
furthermore gives you access to a great community of scholars interested 
in critical studies of media, communication & society.

RN18 also has a mailing list, to which you can subscribe here:


Christian Fuchs
Chair of ESA RN18 – Sociology of Communications and Media Research

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