[liberationtech] FWD: Grants opportunity for Internet freedom programs (May 31 deadline)

Muzammil M. Hussain tcrnbv at gmail.com
Thu May 17 03:34:41 PDT 2012


*Muzammil M. Hussain
**Visiting Scholar in International Affairs, Lebanese American University
**Department of Communication, University of Washington *[on leave]

*Managing Editor: *State Power and Information Infrastructure (Ashgate

*more:* bio (link <http://mediaresearchhub.ssrc.org/muzammil-hussain/>) +
portfolio (link <http://sites.google.com/site/MMHportfolio>) + updates

*From: *"Kendrick, Katharine A" <KendrickKA at state.gov>
*Date: *Tue, 15 May 2012 18:00:20 -0400
*To: *"Kendrick, Katharine A" <KendrickKA at state.gov>
*Cc: *"Kendrick, Katharine A" <KendrickKA at state.gov>
*Subject: *Grants opportunity for Internet freedom programs (May 31

I’m writing to share a recent grants opportunity from the U.S. State
Department – a solicitation for Statements of Interest for Internet freedom
programs. This builds on our programmatic support for this field over the
last few years<http://www.humanrights.gov/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/20111214-if-factsheet.pdf>.
See below for more information. We encourage you to share this widely – we
hope to attract a diverse group of applicants and proposals. The deadline
for submissions is May 31, 2012.

Please direct any questions to ifRFP at state.gov, and feel free to ask me any
general questions about our ongoing Internet freedom work (both policy and


Katharine Kendrick |  Internet Freedom
Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor |  Multilateral & Global Affairs
U.S. Department of State | (202) 647-1025 |  KendrickKA at state.gov

*From:* Tye, John N
*Sent:* Thursday, May 10, 2012 3:58 PM
*To:* Schuler, Ian M
*Cc:* Kendrick, Katharine A
*Subject:* Request for Statements of Interest - Internet Freedom funding


We wanted to let you know that the U.S. Department of State recently asked
for Statements of Interest (SOI) for funding for global Internet freedom
programs. Please share this with anyone who might be interested in applying.

The full solicitation is available
here.<http://www.state.gov/j/drl/p/127829.htm>  Submissions
are due by *11:30 p.m. Eastern Time on May 31, 2012**.
Since 2008, State and USAID have invested $76 million in efforts to advance
human rights online. Through this call we intend to support at least $23
million in additional programs in the following areas: 1) anti-censorship
technology, 2) secure communications technology, 3) digital safety
training, 4) emergency response support for netizens and civil society
organizations under threat, 5) policy and advocacy, 6) research and
evaluation on the technology and political context for Internet repression,
and 7) research on technology options for expanding the free flow of
information in extremely constrained environments.

A few things to note:
•           This a global call for statements of interest; program
proposals need not be restricted to any specific region.
•           This call is *not* restricted to US-based 501(c)3 organizations.
•           We encourage submissions from coalitions of organizations.
•           The Department will make awards in amounts of $500,000 to

Please email ifRFP at state.gov with any questions. I am copying Ian Schuler,
who is managing the SOI process.

John Tye
John N. Tye
Internet Freedom  | Office of Multilateral & Global Affairs (MLGA)
Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights & Labor (DRL)  |  United States
Department of State
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