[liberationtech] CFP: Journal of Community Informatics Southern Africa Special Issue

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Thu Jun 28 08:55:24 PDT 2012

From:  Shaun Pather <pathers at cput.ac.za> & *Jackie Phahlamohlaka* <
jphahlamohlaka at csir.co.za>

Dear Colleagues

[Apologies for cross postings.]

We have pleasure in announcing a call for papers for a *special issue *of
the Journal of Community Informatics, focusing on Southern African
countries (Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland
and Zimbabwe).

University academics in South Africa should take note that JoCI is indexed
by the IBSS, and published *research* *articles *will therefore be eligible
for accreditation at your universities.

We welcome submissions of completed research articles, case studies or
 book reviews relating to the following:

·         Internet and ICT use and appropriation by specific groups,
especially disadvantaged groups;

·         The use of ICTs for community based service delivery as for
example in health, municipal services, education, amongst others;

·         Internet content production (blogs, sites, etc.) aimed at social
and community development;

·         The role of mobile telephony in a Community Informatics context
in relation to grassroots development;

·         Analyses of initiatives for democratization of internet and ICT
for social development;

·         Policy analysis of specific countries or cross-country analyses
of national policy and how this relates to community based use of ICTs;

·         Investigations of the social, political and cultural aspects of
the ‘digital divide’;

·         Community informatics as it relates to e-Democracy,
e-Participation, and e-Government;

·         Political and private initiatives for digital inclusion in
education, and for cultural production and preservation;

·         Joint public and private actions and policies related to digital

·         Cybersecurity for Community Informatics.

The above list is not exhaustive and we welcome submissions of papers on
other topics but which have a strong Community Informatics theme.  You may
contact either of the special issue editors if you want to clarify the
scope of  your submission.

*Important Dates:*

1.  Submission of extended abstracts (750-1000 words): *July 25th 2012*

2.  Article submission:  *September 06th 2012*

3.  Final article due:*  December 15th 2012***

4.*  *Publication:* February 2013 *

****Please refer to attached CFP for further details and *submission
procedures. *



Special issue editors:

Shaun Pather:  pathers at cput.ac.za

Jackie Phahlamohlaka: jphahlamohlaka at csir.co.za
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