[liberationtech] Project development for Student Privacy

BeatTheChip beatthechip at gmail.com
Tue Jun 12 12:09:28 PDT 2012

Dear Liberation Tech,

This is a call out for project or working group development concerning
Student Privacy policy.

This is really being driven by the understanding that loss of privacy and
the learned helplessness accompanying the surveillance state is being
taught in practice to college students  going into massive amounts of debt
to get their education.

This would include applying for funding to develop a campaign project aimed
at Student Teach-Ins, demonstrating privacy and identity best practices,
workshops and administration awareness of student privacy rights (and their
own privacy rights). This may include working with the Student Government
Assoc., On Campus IT clubs and civil liberties clubs as well.

I'd like to recruit some of you at a range of involvements:  starting as
student advisors all the way up to program development and even some
teaching curriculum for college students.  This would include Online
Diploma mills as well - since more education is being driven online due to
the costs of higher education requirements.

No student ID required.


Sheila Dean

contact at beatthechip.org

Twitter: BeatTheChip

**I am a United States citizen.  My phone and electronic communications may
be monitored by the NSA, the FBI, DHS  and private contractors who will be
held unaccountable for crimes against privacy according to illegal and
unenforceable laws, FISA & The Patriot Act.   Due to the invasive and
unconstitutional nature of these laws, I do not recognize the authority of
the surveillants and will prosecute on stalking, habitual harassment if
 there is no legal grounds for reasonable suspicion of  wrongdoing in my
private conversations.  Get a warrant.*
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