[liberationtech] EU Parliament's Net Governance Workshop on June 19th

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Tue Jun 12 10:51:15 PDT 2012

*From:* SCHAAKE Marietje [mailto:marietje.schaake at europarl.europa.eu]



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"*Facing Challenges to the Internet Governance Regime: A European
Perspective Workshop*"****

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June 19th from 15.00 to 18.00 in room PHS5 B001****

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The workshop will deal with several aspects of internet governance and the
way forward for Europe. The focus will be on the upcoming World Conference
on International Telecommunications (WCIT) in December of this year as part
of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). The WCIT will consider
a review of the International Telecommunication Regulations (ITRs), which *can
have a significant impact on the way the internet is regulated.*****

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Please RVSP to marietje.schaake-office at europarl.europa.eu****

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Kind regards,****

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Marietje Schaake MEP****

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We are witnessing growing attempts by governments across the world to take
greater control of the internet, and on the other hand growing
unaccountable corporate power. The present internet governance regime has
reached a difficult moment: in the past two years we have seen proposals
from India and IBSA for large scale changes to the current regime; from
Russia & China for a UN General Assembly Resolution on "information
security"; proposals to change the ITU Regulations; a CSTD process to look
at enhanced cooperation.  All of these initiatives raise constitutional
questions about how the Internet is governed on the global scale.****


This workshop seeks to discuss the various proposals on the table, as well
the legitimate concerns about the internet governance regime at present. We
aim to promote a broad multi-stakeholder discussion about what role Europe
should be playing in shaping an internet governance regime in the public

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*Confirmed speakers from the following institutions and organisations:*****

European Commission****

University of Zurich****

European Digital Rights Initiative****

Global Partners****

Council of Europe****


Internet Society (tbc)****

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*Draft agenda*****

15:00-15:15 – Welcome and introductions ****

15:15-16:00 – Brief overview of current IG regime and some of the main

16:00–17:00 – Overview of main proposals for changing the regime (ITU,
enhanced cooperation, IBSA, Internet Code of Conduct, normative principles)*

17:00-17:45 – Questions and audience discussion****

17:45-18:00 – Summary and conclusions****
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