[liberationtech] Call for Papers: 12th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries | e-Agriculture

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Wed Jul 25 00:12:24 PDT 2012


Call for Papers: 12th International Conference on Social Implications of
Computers in Developing Countries
 [image: Andrea_Jimenez's picture]
Submitted by Andrea_Jimenez on Tue, 24/07/2012 - 16:08

   - Amartya Sen <http://www.e-agriculture.org/category/tags/amartya-sen>,
   - call for papers<http://www.e-agriculture.org/category/tags/call-papers>
   - Capability
   - conference <http://www.e-agriculture.org/category/tags/conference>,
   - ICT4D <http://www.e-agriculture.org/taxonomy/term/524>


The International Federation for Information Processing
(IFIP)<http://www.ifip.org/homeintro.html> is
organizing the 12th International Conference on Social Implications of
Computers in Developing
Countries.<http://www.ifipwg94.org/ifip-conference-2013> The
conference will be held in Jamaica, on 19-22 May 2013.

The discussion will be organized around 16 different tracks related to the
agenda for the future for ICT4D research and practice. Track 13 has
relevance for the perspective of use of ICTs in agricultural development.

TRACK 13: Sen’s Capability Approach and

This track is thus devoted to theoretical, methodological and empirical
application of Amartya Sen’s capability approach in ICT4D. The main
contribution of Sen’s CA is in promoting a shift of focus in the ICT4D
discourse from technology-oriented development to questioning the real
impact of ICT on people’s wellbeing and life opportunities. Such an
approach considers ICT adoption as means, rather than ends, in promoting
human development.

This track is thus devoted to theoretical, methodological and empirical
application of Sen’s capability approach in ICT4D. Some suggestive topics
include the following:

·       Conceptual discussions of the CA and ICT4D;

·       Case studies of ICT4D projects with the CA;

·       The CA as a critical lens on the discourse of ICT4D;

·       Methodological issues related to the application CA in ICT4D;

·       The capability approach as an evaluative framework in ICT4D;

·       Designing ICT for human capabilities;

·       Application of the Choice Framework in ICT4D;

·       ICT, CA and e-inclusion;

·       Gender and CA in e-society

·       A CA approach to ICT and socially disadvantaged groups;

·       ICT and agency freedom;

·       The CA, ICT and adaptive preferences

·       Collective agency in the information society;

·       Comparative studies between the CA and other evaluative frameworks;

·       ICT, participation and the CA;

Ocho Rios Jamaica, 19-22 May, 2013

Call for papers on this topic. Submission Deadline: 26 November 2012

Track Chairs: Dr. Yingqin Zheng, ICT4D Centre, School of Management, Royal
Holloway, University
ofLondonYingqin.Zheng at rhul.ac.uk<http://personal.rhul.ac.uk/uwtn/034/>

Dr. Dorothea Kleine, ICT4D Centre, Department of Geography, Royal Holloway,
University of London,Dorothea.Kleine at rhul.ac.uk<https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=Dorothea.Kleine@rhul.ac.uk>

For more information on the Conference:

For more information on the specific track:
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