[liberationtech] CITASA iCS Special Issue

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Tue Jul 24 15:01:21 PDT 2012

*Call For Papers: iCS/CITASA Special Issue of Papers from 2012 ASA Meeting‎ *

Dear Colleagues,

For the sixth year, the journal *Information, Communication & Society*
(iCS, published by Routledge) ‎will publish a special issue in
cooperation with the ASA section on Communication ‎and Information
Technologies (CITASA).  The special issue will be comprised of papers
‎presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Sociological
Association in Denver, Colorado that focus on issues of *social media,
technology, communication, information, or other related topics*.
Shelia Cotten (University of Alabama, Birmingham) and Mike Stern (NORC
at the University of Chicago) will be the ‎editors. ‎

We invite you to submit a paper that was presented at the ASA 2012
meetings for consideration in this special ‎issue. Please submit
manuscripts for consideration to citasa.ics at gmail.com.  ‎Submitted
manuscripts should be a maximum of 6,000 words and should conform to
the ‎journal's submission guidelines; see

Deadlines: ****

Full papers due: September 30, 2012 ****

Refereeing completed: November 30, 2012****

Final version of accepted papers due: January 10, 2013****

Special issue publication (anticipated): June 2013 ‎

Please contact us with any questions. We hope to hear from you.


Dr. Shelia Cotten****

Department of Sociology****

University of Alabama, Birmingham****

Chair-Elect, Communication and Information Technology Section
<http://citasa.org/>, American Sociological Association ****

** **

**-       **And  -**** <laura at laurarobinson.org>

** **

Dr. Mike Stern****

Methodology Fellow****

NORC at the University of Chicago
Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology

College of Charleston****



Shelia R. Cotten, PhD****


Department of Sociology****

University of Alabama, Birmingham****

460N Heritage Hall****

1530 3rd Ave S.****

Birmingham, AL 35294-1152****


cotten at uab.edu ****

Twitter: @shelia_cotten
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