[liberationtech] Bar BoF at IETF 84: Media without censorship (CensorFree)

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Mon Jul 23 18:03:32 PDT 2012

From: Johan Pouwelse <peer2peer at gmail.com>

Dear All,

At the upcoming IETF meeting I'm trying to organize a bar BoF around
enhancing privacy and reducing censorship.

Hopefully people on this mailinglist are interested in these matters, could
help improve the discussion document or can even attend this Bar BoF in

Bar BoF name:     Media without censorship (CensorFree)
Location:              IETF 84, Vancouver, Canada
Date:                   1st Aug 2012,  20:00 (Wednesday)
Room:                  to be announced
Discussion doc:
Bar BoF status:     approved by Transport area directors (see CC:)
Technology status: initial running code
    This document describes some scenarios in which one can imagine that
    the ability of authoritarian regime to censor news dissemination is
    reduced.  It tries to draw some conclusions about what's desirable
    and what's not acceptable for users in those scenarios.
    The CensorFree objective is to standardize the protocols for
    microblogging on smartphones with a focus on security and censorship
    resistance.  Microblog entries are short text messages, possibly
    enriched with pictures or streaming video.  The goal is to devise
    protocols which guard against all known forms of censorship such as:
    cyberspace sabotage, digital eavesdropping, infiltration, fraud,
    Internet kill switches and lawyer-based attacks with the best known
    protective methods.

The discussion document lists some scenarios, but is still very much a work
in progress.
Hopefully the knowledge from draft-iab-privacy-considerations-03 and
draft-iab-privacy-terminology-01 can be included in this doc real soon.

Please reply if you are interested in these matters or have ideas on
this direction.
   -Johan Pouwelse, Delft University of Technology
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