[liberationtech] FFII - European Commission net neutrality consultation excludes TOR users
Andre Rebentisch
arebentisch at lxdesystems.com
Mon Jul 23 15:23:40 PDT 2012
[ EU / Blocking / TOR ]
European Commission net neutrality consultation excludes TOR users
Brussels, 23 July 2012 -- The European Commission blocks TOR users'
access to its web site. TOR is an internet anonymisation technology and
became widely popular for its facilitating role in the Arab spring movement.
"This is ironic, the Commission is conducting a public consultation on
net neutrality, and they already censor a part of the internet to access
their site", finds FFII President Benjamin Henrion. He was troubled by
the issue when he tried to access the consultation website from European
Commissioner Neelie Kroes.
"The European Commission is seeking answers to questions on specific
aspects of transparency, traffic management and switching in an Open
Internet", the website says. But TOR users receive a less inviting
message: "Network Error (gateway_error) Server overloaded. The gateway
may be temporarily unavailable, or there could be a network problem."
EU Commission public consultation on "specific aspects of transparency,
traffic management and switching in an Open Internet"
All-in-one TOR Browser:
Earlier reporting: EU sites blocked access by users of anonymizing services
Daten-speicherung.de: EU Commission gives up blocking TOR and VPN
services [corrected 27 March 2012]
Swedish Study: How the great firewall of China is blocking TOR:
Permanent link to this press release:
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The FFII is a not-for-profit association active in twenty European
countries, dedicated to the development of information goods for the
public benefit, based on copyright, free competition, open standards.
More than 1000 members, 3,500 companies and 100,000 supporters have
entrusted the FFII to act as their voice in public policy questions
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