[liberationtech] US FCC Open Internet Advisory Committee

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Thu Jul 19 14:21:52 PDT 2012

From: Jonathan Zittrain <zittrain at law.harvard.edu>
Subject: FCC Open Internet Advisory Committee
Date: July 18, 2012 4:30:32 PM EDT
To: dave at farber.net

Dear Dave,

The FCC's Open Internet Advisory Committee will hold its inaugural meeting
this Friday from 10 am to noon at the FCC hq in Washington, DC.  Some
information can be found at <
http://www.fcc.gov/encyclopedia/open-internet-advisory-committee >.  The
public is welcome, and a live stream is planned at
<http://www.fcc.gov/live/>.  With the help of FCC staff we'll cover
the basics of the Open Internet
Order, and organize into working groups on some of the topics left open for
further study.

I'd be happy to offer updates as the committee undertakes its work, and
we'll be on the lookout for helpful resources.


Jonathan Zittrain
Professor of Law
  Harvard Law School | Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Professor of Computer Science
  Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Co-Founder, Berkman Center for Internet & Society
< http://cyber.law.harvard.edu>
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