[liberationtech] July 23 - Mobile Payments at Commonwealth Club - Last chance for early bird tix!

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Wed Jul 11 13:37:30 PDT 2012

From: menekse_gencer <Meneksegencer at gmail.com>

Hello everyone,

I'd like to invite you to a *Mobile Payments Series Panel* discussion that
I will be hosting at *The Commonwealth Club of San Francisco on July
23*where we will discuss what lessons can be brought from global
payments initiatives back to the U.S.
*(Early bird tickets end this week) *For tickets and more information,
visit:     http://mobilepaymentsseries5.eventbrite.com/

Panelists include Chuck Davidson, the man who launched the Starbucks mobile
payments application; Jon Squire, the CMO of South Korea's CorFire; Camille
Busette, former head of Government Relations at PayPal and now head of
Financial Education with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau; and
Gunnar Camner,the man who launched mobile micro-insurance with Tigo in
Ghana.  I will kick off the panel with a short presentation about lessons I
have learned from projects around the globe - from Uganda to PayPal - and
the connections between mobile payments efforts globally.

Come join us for an exciting evening that will include complimentary hors
d'ouerves and wine with leading mobile payments professionals. (The
previous 3 sessions have sold out with 100+ attendees)

I hope to see you there!
-Menekse Gencer '93
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