[liberationtech] Fwd: Request to EFF - support for chat and communication

Randolph D. rdohm321 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 10 09:18:16 PDT 2012

Dear all,
please find attached a request to evaluate the secure communication tool to
be ready to be officially suggested by EFF and Security Advisors.
Thanks for feedback, regards Randolph

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eva Galperin <eva at eff.org>
Date: 2012/7/10
Subject: Re: Request to EFF - support for chat and communication

Thank you for writing to EFF. I'm glad that there are people who are
working on secure communications tools--in fact, I am at a security tool
hackathon in New York right now. However, EFF cannot recommend any tool
that has not had a thorough security audit and we do not have the
resources to perform such an audit ourselves. If you are working on an
open source security communications tool that you would like EFF to
recommend, I suggest that you subject it to an extensive audit by
 security professionals.

Eva Galperin
International Freedom of Expression Coordinator
Electronic Frontier Foundation
eva at eff.org
(415) 436-9333 ex. 111

On 7/9/12 2:50 PM, Randolph D. wrote:
> Dear EFF Member,
> I have a request to you (I found your email on the website of the EFF,
> describing what you do): we need free speech in Syria and Russia and many
> other countries, encrypted communication is helping to have people
> and networking.
> Furthermore we need an open source alternative to facebook.
> There is one:  http://interface.sf.net - which is encrypted serverless
> (oder DHT) communication: Email, Forums, Groupchat, Picup of friends of
> friends, it is based on GnuPG keys (as the messenger ID and contact
> and all is done serverless and encrypted.
> That means, friends of friends can forward messages and so information is
> transparent.
> but it is hard to get that tool into the public, Can you help? Ideally it
> could be any Qt Plugin in e.g. VLC or Qbittorrent or any Qt App, which has
> great downloads. But it would even help, if you can announce it to some
> students, who what to evaluate it, post it on your freedom blog, or would
> it be possible, that EFF is supporting that tool officially?
> I read your description and I picked 4-5 members from the EFF, which seem
> to be near this idea (so don´t wounder about the BCC, it should be a
> personal mail/sugestion to you). Can you help and share ideas?
> Thanks for any feedback and suggestions, or, if you want to test, we can
> exchange keys as well and chat over it.
> Thanks Regards
> Randolph
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