[liberationtech] Fwd: Cambridge Post-Doc on ICTs & Political Accountability in Africa
Patrick Meier (iRevolution)
patrick at irevolution.net
Tue Jul 10 05:35:07 PDT 2012
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From: Cambridge CGHR <ss919 at cam.ac.uk>
Date: Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 10:57 AM
Subject: Cambridge CGHR Post-Doctoral Research Associate Vacancy
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of Cambridge, Centre of Governance & Human
Dear colleagues,
Cambridge CGHR has recently advertised for an 18-month Post-Doctoral
Research Associate on our new ESRC DFID funded project: ‘Broadcast media,
ICT-generated public opinion and political accountability in
Africa’. Details below, on the Department of Politics and International
Studies wesbite<http://e.groupspaces.com/click/29fi0-44b9d-20vezyahv1?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.polis.cam.ac.uk%2Fdept%2Fjobs.html>,
and in the Further Particulars
Applications close *25 July 2012*.
This is an exciting oppotunity to lead research in Kenya and Zambia within
a team comprising CGHR researchers and academics at the Universities of
Nairobi and Zambia. Please help us in spreading the word.
Best wishes,
The Cambridge Centre of Governance and Human Rights (CGHR) seeks to appoint
a post-doctoral Research Associate for 18 months on its new ESRC-DFID
funded research project ‘Broadcast media, ICT-generated public opinion and
political accountability in Africa’.
The CGHR Director, Dr Sharath Srinivasan, is Principal Investigator and
leads a research team with Professor Winnie Mitullah (University of
Nairobi) and Dr Neo Simutanyi (University of Zambia) as Co-Investigators.
Focused on comparative country case studies in Kenya and Zambia, the
project aims at analysing the effects of new information and communication
technologies (ICT) on ‘public opinion’ making in African democratic
practice: expressions of public opinion; their effects on citizenship
practice and political belonging; the collection and representation of
public opinion by media; and the reception of public opinion by policy
The Research Associate will: Manage day-to-day project coordination; Own
the project workplan and timeline; Conduct extensive fieldwork (primarily
in Kenya); Coordinate project workshops; Manage data collection and
analysis (building research assistants capacity); Execute a data management
plan and archiving; Maintain project partner relationships.
Applicants should have: a doctorate in a relevant subject area within the
social sciences; clear understanding of issues of public participation in
local/national governance in developing countries; Demonstrated research
background utilising a relevant research framework or methodology; Proven
abilities in quantitative social science data analysis; Evidence of an
understanding of key issues concerning the role of new communication
technologies and media in governance; Strong evidence of interest in
countries or regions in Africa, possibly including one or both of the case
study countries; Evidence of interest in opinion polling methodologies;
Strong collaborative skills for working with academic and non-academic
research partners in multiple locations and with differing capabilities;
Ability to develop good working relations with major donors, international
organisations, government agencies and individuals in the field; Proven
ability to present and communicate research findings; Evidence of ability
to engage in high-level research in a relevant field, with the proven
capacity to develop high-quality research outputs; Evidence of experience
managing research projects; Publications record in one of the
above-mentioned specialist areas.
To apply, and for Further particulars please click
Informal enquiries concerning the application procedure may be directed to
Ms Natalie Wood (nw319 at cam.ac.uk). Informal enquiries regarding the
research project should be made to the Director of the Centre of Governance
and Human Rights, Dr Sharath Srinivasan (ss919 at cam.ac.uk).
Centre of Governance and Human Rights, POLIS, University of Cambridge
Alison Richard Building 7 West Rd Cambridge CB3 9DT United Kingdom
Tel +44 (0)1223 760846 | Fax +44 (0)1223 767237 | www . polis . cam . ac .
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