[liberationtech] Websites blocked in UAE with Netsweeper
ei8fdb at ei8fdb.org
ei8fdb at ei8fdb.org
Mon Jul 2 07:41:12 PDT 2012
I've have a bit of experience with these types of horrible, pointless,
stupid, badly designed "web filtering" proxies - not Netsweeper but an
equally horrible product called SurfControl (incidentally backed by some
US Christian "group").
Firstly: all net censorship is stupid and bad. Just in case anyone
thinks I am in favour of it.
I've had a look through those three links and the URL they block don't
seem to look unusual. They seem to block all social networks (use case:
employess "waste" lots of "precious company" time and Internet access on
these "stupid" sites), a wide variety of religious sites (use case: Holy
schmoly!! We can't have employees posting to
"www.ThosePeskyCatholics.co.uk from work. Someone could/will sue us!),
and any site that users can "waste" time or possibly cause a company
"harm". Also they usually block anything involving naked human parts.
To show how ridiclous (and out of date) these products are, they are
blocking :
* www.geocities.com - a hosting site that was turned off 3 years ago.
* http://groups.msn.com/ - which doesn't exist for years.
Secondly, in my opinion it depends on where this filtering is being
carried out:
a) if it is being carried out in a private company, then users have
ZERO control over what they can/cannot see. This is fundamentally wrong,
but good luck with trying to get companies to change that. In my
experience with these products (in private companies), I had to argue
for "open Internet access" for employees during their lunch times.
b) if it is being carried out at a national/open access level (at the
ISP, university) level then this is completely unacceptable. This would
argument would be a valid fight for online rights defenders.
Thirdly, a possible reason for the pastebin URLs being blocked by
NetSweeper is the exact same as for the rest of the URLs - pastebin URLs
can be "categorised" as "hacker tools", or used for "illicit
Leaving aside the Anonymous "ZOMFG W3'V3 JU57 H4><0R3D N375W33P3R"
(Sorry my hax0rspeek is rusty) wording, their argument is right - all
censorship is wrong. Period.
I hope that helps.
On Sun, 1 Jul 2012 00:37:38 +0100, Amin Sabeti wrote:
> Kaspersky said the link is not secure and it's phishing URL!
> A
> On 29 June 2012 17:06, Pranesh Prakash wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> @Isac_anon and @Juzzy0 who work as Anonymous discovered this while
>> snooping
>> around Netsweeper's products:
>> Main list of sites blocked in the UAE: http://goo.gl/wtxoB [1]
>> Secondary list, with pattern blocking: http://goo.gl/WaAb2 [2]
>> Summary:
>> * There were ALOTT of pornographic, sexual related (even Sex ED!!)
>> * Dating sites and freaking MATRIMONIAL sites !! blocked!!
>> * Any article, website, Facebook group etc. that is critical of the
>> Government...
>> * Sites that help bypass censorship I.E Proxies, VPN providers etc.
>> * Support sites of religion's other than Islam ... eg:
>> biblestudylessons.com [3] etc.
>> * The most shocking lots and lots of VOIP sites the reason is
>> explained below
>> Link to Anon statement: http://goo.gl/jmxd3 [4]
>> Cheers,
>> Pranesh
>> --
>> Pranesh Prakash · Programme Manager · Centre for Internet and
>> Society
>> @pranesh_prakash · PGP ID 0x1D5C5F07 · http://cis-india.org [5]
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> Links:
> ------
> [1] http://goo.gl/wtxoB
> [2] http://goo.gl/WaAb2
> [3] http://biblestudylessons.com
> [4] http://goo.gl/jmxd3
> [5] http://cis-india.org
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