[liberationtech] Twitter May Censor Tweets in Individual Countries

Moritz Bartl moritz at torservers.net
Fri Jan 27 05:20:54 PST 2012


It is not only "acceptable", but I believe a good step. They are trying
to solve the problem of content that is illegal in some places, but not
in others. As far as I understand, previously, they removed such content
completely. Now, they can at least pretend not to display it in certain
countries and keep it up in others ("pretend", as GeoIP isn't really
working, and there are proxies etc).
Twitter says they will publish takedown notices on Chilling Effects,
which is a great sign of transparency.

Twitter statement:

Chilling Effects Twitter:

I am not a lawyer, and I don't know the consequences if they ignore any
non-US law (and takedown notice). Sounds to me as if they thought about
this and probably consulted a bunch of lawyers over it.

On 27.01.2012 14:11, Marc wrote:
> Twitter made the arab spring possible, even the u.s goverment asked twitter
> to stay up for #iranelection
> http://mashable.com/2009/06/16/twitter-iran/
> and now
> http://techland.time.com/2012/01/27/twitter-may-censor-tweets-in-individual-countries/
> is this exeptable ?
> greetings
> Marc

Moritz Bartl

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