[liberationtech] Safer submission of content to news organizations

Katrin Verclas katrin at mobileactive.org
Tue Jan 17 09:24:14 PST 2012

Amen to Moritz.

On that note: http://globaleaks.org/

One of the main developers,Arturo, is copied here.   A Serbian news organization is implementing it.



On Jan 17, 2012, at 11:39 AM, Martyn Williams wrote:

> Hi to all on this list. I've been following discussions here for a while
> but this is the first time I'm posting.
> I'm a Knight Journalism Fellow at Stanford this year, which means I have
> a year off from reporting to follow projects that interest me and help
> innovate in journalism in some way.
> One of my two projects is focused on the security of consumers who
> supply content (text, photo or video) to news organizations.
> I see a lot of work being done on how citizens/activists/bloggers and
> others can secure information on their end but I haven't seen much done
> on the other end by the news organizations. Sometimes they offer little
> more than an email address or Facebook page for submissions.
> So my project asks: If news organizations are to solicit content from
> people on the ground (and there are no signs this will stop), what can
> they do to make it safer for those submitting the information?
> Should they set up a dedicated server, rely on a cloud service, use a
> certain type of encryption, base it on a particular technology, etc etc?
> The goal isn't anonymity like Wikileaks - that brings a heap of
> editorial problems with it - but making it harder for tracking to link
> person A with news organization B. It should also be practical to implement.
> It will ideally be based on open-source technologies that are freely
> available and can be implemented by news organizations of any size.
> If successful, I hope to present this to news organizations, push for
> its adoption, and raise awareness of the need for media groups to think
> about the safety of those sending content.
> I welcome comments off list. If anyone has heard of or is working on
> similar technology or has an interest in collaborating I'd love to hear
> from you.
> -- 
> Martyn Williams
> 2012 John S. Knight Journalism Fellow
> Stanford University
> Cell: 650-391-4868
> @martyn_williams
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Katrin Verclas
katrin at mobileactive.org

skype/twitter: katrinskaya
(347) 281-7191

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