[liberationtech] Fwd: [svc4all] Samasource Associate Program - technology social enterprise

Sam King samking at cs.stanford.edu
Thu Jan 12 00:38:14 PST 2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jim Murray <jim.murray at stanford.edu>
Date: Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 10:56 AM
Subject: [svc4all] Samasource Associate Program - technology social
To: service4all <service4all at lists.stanford.edu>

*Samasource Associate Program:
We bring dignified, computer-based work to women, youth, and refugees
living in poverty.


The Associate Program offers you a rare opportunity to play a major role in
expanding Samasource’s impact while also providing you with unique insider
experience. We offer Associate positions in the field and in San Francisco,
giving candidates a chance to integrate across our organization and observe
firsthand the effect of our work. Samasource Associates are expected to
commit a minimum of 10 weeks of full-time work and will receive a stipend
for participating in our program.

Past participants have found the Associate Program to be a rewarding
experience in the field of international development and have made lasting
connections with professionals motivated by nonprofit work. If you are
looking to play a key role in connecting marginalized people with
life-changing work opportunities, then we are your company.

Due to a high volume of extremely competitive applicants, we are only able
to respond to candidates that we would like to interview. We look for
individuals with a unique perspective and a personal vivacity for our work.
Please click on the Associate role you are most interested in for details
and instructions on how to apply. If you are interested in multiple
positions, please choose the one that you feel best matches your interests
and our requirements.

*Current Listings*

   - Business Development
   - Data Analysis
   - Development
   - Engineering
   - Interaction Design
   - Project Analyst
   - Sales and Marketing

Samasource is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that connects people living in poverty
to work via the Internet. In parallel, we provide high-quality content
moderation, data entry, and other outsourcing services to clients including
LinkedIn, Intuit, and the US State Department.

Samasource’s San Francisco-based sales and delivery teams work with clients
to move large data projects to a proprietary online work distribution
system, the SamaHub. Dedicated, full-time workers around the world access
the SamaHub from delivery centers monitored by Samasource staff. Samasource
account managers and QA professionals ensure quality, accuracy, and fast
turnaround times.

Samasource derives its name from the Sanskrit word sama, which means equal,
and was founded in 2008. The company’s board and management team includes
experts in the fields of distributed work, economic development, and

Please let me know if I can provide more information or if you have any
questions. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Jacquie Blackman
Recruiting Coordinator
jacquie at samasource.org

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