[liberationtech] Technology & democracy panel in South Asia conference @ Stanford

S Vivek vivekdse at stanford.edu
Tue Jan 10 11:55:26 PST 2012

Dear Friends,

Stanford will be organizing a graduate student conference on South Asia in
May 2012 and we are just sending out the call for papers.  One of the
panels is "Technology and democracy" and I am trying to reach out to people
working on South Asia outside the confines of the traditional South Asian
studies circuits.  I would appreciate it if you can send this information
to people who may be working on this topic, and of course other topics
pertaining to this conference.

I will be happy to answer questions, if any.

Thank you,

Warm regards

S Vivek

South Asia by the Bay: A Graduate Student Conference at Stanford University

Call for Papers: South Asia by the Bay
Graduate Student Conference at Stanford University on May 9-11, 2012

As South Asia experiences rapid and unprecedented transformation, both
scholarly and public interest in the region has grown dramatically in
recent years. A large new generation of graduate students working on South
Asia in the humanities and social sciences is in the process of rethinking
approaches to the study of South Asian culture, society, politics,
economics, law, history, literature, and the arts.

South Asia by the Bay is a brand new initiative based in the San Francisco
Bay Area. It aims to establish an annual forum where graduate students from
across disciplines and institutions in North America, who work on South
Asia, can meet to discuss their work with each other, and with South Asia
affiliated faculty from the organizing institutions (Stanford University,
University of California, Berkeley, University of California, Davis,
University of California, Santa Cruz).

In addition to thematic panels, the conference will feature four keynote
lectures by senior South Asia scholars, an interactive session with faculty
on the international job market in South Asian studies, film screenings,
art exhibitions, and social events for conference participants.

We invite papers and submissions under, but not limited to, the following

Visual Culture and Public Aesthetics
Urban Life and Urban Process
Technology and Democracy
Minorities and the Quest for Political Recognition.
Social Marginality and New Forms of Capitalism
Origins and Legacies: History and the Present
Religious Life and Ritual Forms

Other panel submissions on related themes and individual paper submissions
are also welcome.

South Asia at the Bay will cover costs of accommodation and conference
meals for conference participants.

Students who are interested in participating in the conference should
submit a one-page (300 word) proposal and one page CV to Bernadette White (
bmwhite at stanford.edu) by March 9, 2012.

For panels: Feb 15, 2012
Individual abstracts: March 9, 2012
Final papers: April 20, 2012
Please stay tuned to this page for futher updates!

Program on Liberation Technology,
Stanford University

C 149 Encina Hall
616 Serra St.
Stanford, CA 94305

Phone: 1-801-784-8357, that is 1-801-S Vivek's!

Blog: http://viveks.info
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