[liberationtech] Facebook Group Encryption Chrome Extension

Sarah A. Downey sarah at getabine.com
Tue Feb 21 11:16:33 PST 2012

Interesting and a much-needed service, given the staggering amount of data
collection that Facebook does.  I work at Abine, a privacy startup in
Boston, and we made an encrypted Facebook chat a couple months ago.  Here's
a link, with the caveat that Facebook changes their code weekly and we
haven't updated in a few months:  http://www.abine.com/facebook.php

Facebook goes out of its way to make it hard for developers to give members
privacy & encryption options.  As always, user data = money.


On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 2:05 PM, Robert Guerra <rguerra at privaterra.org>wrote:

> Brad,
> A question worth considering is if - encrypting data - on Facebook's
> platform is a violation of their term of service. If it is, one runs the
> risk of having one's account disabled and/or shut down.
> regards
> Robert
>   --
> R. Guerra
> Phone/Cell: +1 202-905-2081
> Twitter: twitter.com/netfreedom
> Email: rguerra at privaterra.org
> On 2012-02-21, at 1:26 PM, Brad Beckett wrote:
> I found this plugin, it seems to work pretty well... other then the key
> getting compromised... it looks somewhat secure.
> I would like to see a GPG plugin that works like this that you can specify
> specific recipients verses having a common group key. Would also be nice
> for Facebook chat / messages as well.
> Encrypt FacebookEncrypt Facebook is a extension that would encrypt the
> discussions,status updates in groups and store in encrypted format on
> Facebook's database instead of normal text and also it would convert
> encrypted format back into normal text whenever that particular group's url
> is accessed in Chrome.
> Why it's needed?It's because Facebook and other social networks have been
> guilty of handing over the data of people to oppressive Corrupt Governments
> all around the world.It severly hampers discussions and protests which
> may lead to freedom,libery and justice for my people all around the
> world.Free discussions may lead to protests which may lead to thousands out
> of the poverty and freedom from 'Communism'..That's the reason why I have
> created this extension.The idea is simple and anyone can come out with much
> better extension for this and also for other social networks in "WALLED
> Read more via http://www.spacenext.com/encrypt-facebook.php
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*Sarah A. Downey*
Privacy Analyst  |  Attorney
Abine, The Online Privacy Company
t:  @SarahADowney  |  p:  800.928.1987

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