[liberationtech] Facebook Group Encryption Chrome Extension

Robert Guerra rguerra at privaterra.org
Tue Feb 21 11:05:44 PST 2012


A question worth considering is if - encrypting data - on Facebook's platform is a violation of their term of service. If it is, one runs the risk of having one's account disabled and/or shut down.



R. Guerra
Phone/Cell: +1 202-905-2081
Twitter: twitter.com/netfreedom 
Email: rguerra at privaterra.org

On 2012-02-21, at 1:26 PM, Brad Beckett wrote:

> I found this plugin, it seems to work pretty well... other then the key getting compromised... it looks somewhat secure.
> I would like to see a GPG plugin that works like this that you can specify specific recipients verses having a common group key. Would also be nice for Facebook chat / messages as well.
> Encrypt Facebook
> Encrypt Facebook is a extension that would encrypt the discussions,status updates in groups and store in encrypted format on Facebook's database instead of normal text and also it would convert encrypted format back into normal text whenever that particular group's url is accessed in Chrome. 
> Why it's needed?
> It's because Facebook and other social networks have been guilty of handing over the data of people to oppressive Corrupt Governments all around the world.It severly hampers discussions and protests which may lead to freedom,libery and justice for my people all around the world.Free discussions may lead to protests which may lead to thousands out of the poverty and freedom from 'Communism'..That's the reason why I have created this extension.The idea is simple and anyone can come out with much better extension for this and also for other social networks in "WALLED COUNTRIES". 
> Read more via http://www.spacenext.com/encrypt-facebook.php
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