[liberationtech] Fwd: Use your tech skills to help nonprofits stop reinventing the wheel!

Sam King samking at cs.stanford.edu
Tue Feb 7 22:19:14 PST 2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
We are two MIT alums looking for a Tech-co-founder to help us change the
world with our international development startup! One of us is working
full-time on the project and we have consulting and international
development experience under our belts!

Every day, all over the world, volunteers and aid workers start new
projects and organizations to address social problems. These projects range
from developing stoves that reduce the risk of respiratory diseases in
rural families to increasing teacher attendance in schools. But nonprofits
and aid agencies are notoriously poor at sharing information, and so every
year, the wheel is reinvented, mistakes are recreated, and volunteers try
to address the symptoms, rather than the root causes, of problems.

*DIYDev is a website where students, volunteers, and development
practitioners from around the world can connect and share do-it-yourself
videos, lessons learned, tools, best practices, and other resources from
their service projects. *This information is organized by tags like topic,
region, and phase of project, with a focus on information backed up by
data. There will be a strong focus on the user experience: we will start
off with the minimum viable product, and iterate continuously as we get
feedback from our user community.

*We are looking for a tech founder with skills in website design and/or
development using a CMS (preferably Drupal). Lack of experience is okay if
you can compensate with lots of enthusiasm and time! We are in the process
of incorporating as a nonprofit with a for-profit arm. At the moment all of
the work is volunteer, but we hope to be able to offer a modest salary in
the future.  (We have a current MS student in Mexico who is currently
helping with tech development and willing to be on the tech team as well,
if you would like company in coding!)*
If you are interested, you can shoot us an email at diydev at googlegroups.com.

Thanks so much for your time!

Mary, MIT' '10

On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 12:05 AM, Sam King <samking at cs.stanford.edu> wrote:

> Actually, you should make sure to include your contact information in the
> actual body of the email, and you should have a more descriptive subject
> (the vast majority of the opportunities that I send out are about using
> tech for social change).
> Sam King
> Director | Code the Change <http://codethechange.org> - we have a Code
> Jam for social good coming up!
> Teacher | CS1U: Practical Unix <http://cs1u.stanford.edu> - videos and
> exercises are available free online!
> facebook <https://www.facebook.com/samjking>, linkedin<http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=55518052>,
> google+ <https://plus.google.com/111459971983433860521>, verbose letters<http://stanford.edu/~samking/personal/>
> On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 9:56 PM, Sam King <samking at cs.stanford.edu> wrote:
>> I'll forward that on.
>> As an aside, it seems like a great thing that you're doing!  One of the
>> things that I hope to do with Code the Change in the long term is to make
>> connections with a lot of people in a lot of places doing CS and social
>> change work to avoid the very same reinventing the wheel that you're
>> discussing.  Good luck with everything!
>> Sam King
>> Director | Code the Change <http://codethechange.org> - we have a Code
>> Jam for social good coming up!
>> Teacher | CS1U: Practical Unix <http://cs1u.stanford.edu> - videos and
>> exercises are available free online!
>> facebook <https://www.facebook.com/samjking>, linkedin<http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=55518052>,
>> google+ <https://plus.google.com/111459971983433860521>, verbose letters<http://stanford.edu/~samking/personal/>
>> On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 9:13 AM, Mary Masterman <marymast at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hi Sam,
>>> Thanks so much for allowing us to submit our idea.
>>> I saw the page about getting long-term help on your website, and was
>>> wondering if you could send an email to your network and/or post it on your
>>> jobs list that you mention online. Further, if you have any
>>> contacts/friends who are interested in the intersection of
>>> development/volunteering and coding, it would be amazing if you could
>>> forward this to them as well.
>>> Thanks so much,
>>> Mary (MIT '10)
>>> ----------------------------
>>> Subject: Use your tech skills to change the world!
>>> Body:
>>> We are two MIT alums looking for a Tech-co-founder to help us change the
>>> world with our international development startup! One of us is working
>>> full-time on the project and we have consulting and international
>>> development experience under our belts!
>>> Every day, all over the world, volunteers and aid workers start new
>>> projects and organizations to address social problems. These projects range
>>> from developing stoves that reduce the risk of respiratory diseases in
>>> rural families to increasing teacher attendance in schools. But nonprofits
>>> and aid agencies are notoriously poor at sharing information, and so every
>>> year, the wheel is reinvented, mistakes are recreated, and volunteers try
>>> to address the symptoms, rather than the root causes, of problems.
>>> *DIYDev is a website where students, volunteers, and development
>>> practitioners from around the world can connect and share do-it-yourself
>>> videos, lessons learned, tools, best practices, and other resources from
>>> their service projects. *This information is organized by tags like
>>> topic, region, and phase of project, with a focus on information backed up
>>> by data. There will be a strong focus on the user experience: we will start
>>> off with the minimum viable product, and iterate continuously as we get
>>> feedback from our user community.
>>> *We are looking for a tech founder with skills in website design and/or
>>> development using a CMS (preferably Drupal). Lack of experience is okay if
>>> you can compensate with lots of enthusiasm and time! We are in the process
>>> of incorporating as a nonprofit with a for-profit arm. At the moment all of
>>> the work is volunteer, but we hope to be able to offer a modest salary in
>>> the future.  (We have a current MS student in Mexico who is currently
>>> helping with tech development and willing to be on the tech team as well,
>>> if you would like company in coding!)*
>>> Mary, MIT' '10
>>> On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 1:44 AM, Sam King <samking at cs.stanford.edu>wrote:
>>>> Yes, I did.  I'll be posting them up tonight.
>>>> Looking forward to seeing you there!
>>>> Sam King
>>>> Director | Code the Change <http://codethechange.org> - we have a Code
>>>> Jam for social good coming up!
>>>> Teacher | CS1U: Practical Unix <http://cs1u.stanford.edu> - videos and
>>>> exercises are available free online!
>>>> facebook <https://www.facebook.com/samjking>, linkedin<http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=55518052>,
>>>> google+ <https://plus.google.com/111459971983433860521>, verbose
>>>> letters <http://stanford.edu/~samking/personal/>
>>>> On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 9:59 PM, Mary Masterman <marymast at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I just wanted to ask if you received my organization's Code the Change
>>>>> app. Our name is DIYDev.
>>>>> Thanks so much for this opportunity :)
>>>>> Mary
>>>>> --
>>>>> Mary Masterman
>>>>> 405-589-9287
>>> --
>>> Mary Masterman
>>> 405-589-9287

Mary Masterman

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