[liberationtech] Fwd: Twitter May Censor Tweets in Individual Countries

Mark Gould mark.e.gould at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 16:58:38 PST 2012

(originally replied by mistake to sender, now to list, with addendum)

Dear list members, and god, I mean Lillian,

OK, facts then. How would the "mechanism" (which would be what) better
enforce (whose) already existing policy? I'm asking for information and
links, and if people want me to I'll go back through the list. I don't deal
with innuendo, or rumors, and you don't know me. I'm a journalist, an
editor, a writer who deals in the facts. So help, not insinuations, is what
I'm asking for.

Micah, thanks for the info on StatusNet... I am somewhat familiar with
Identi.ca, but I completely take your point that at least for now, to get
your message out it's hard to ignore Twitter. Craig, I'm still on the
fence, and will read your complete post. What I admit I'm completely naive
about and would like to be more informed goes somewhat to your point. If,
let's say, Twitter did not censor content that would reach Iran or some
other oppressive nation state, what is the world tribunal or tribunals that
would hold Twitter accountable. Perhaps before saying more, I'll read your
post, and research the legal aspects of this.


On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Jillian C. York <jilliancyork at gmail.com>wrote:

> Dear god, not this again.

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