[liberationtech] Twitter May Censor Tweets in Individual Countries

Jillian C. York jilliancyork at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 14:09:10 PST 2012

Dear god, not this again.

Mark - Twitter did not "back down."  Twitter created a mechanism to
"better" enforce an *already existing policy.*  And the CIA, *seriously*?
How about the reality: Twitter is expanding into Europe and Europe's idea
of free expression isn't exactly the same as the United States' (yes, in
theory; I recognize the faults in the US in practice).

I'm all for thinking up viable alternatives to corporations, but can we at
least get our facts right first, *please?*

On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 11:52 PM, Mark Gould <mark.e.gould at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Forgive me if I've missed some important news online, or having just
> recently joined this list and began following on twitter. However, I'm a
> media turned net activist/writer and seriously concerned about the twitter
> censorship issue.
> I have two questions. 1, has there been either a serious proposal or
> emerging discussion about a long-term boycott of Twitter? and 2, What other
> technologies/platforms/networks might exist as an alternative to Twitter,
> perhaps open source and not a business, that would be a viable alternative
> to Twitter? What comes to the top of my mind is IRC, other chat
> technologies, listservs, and at the moment, I'm not coming up with much
> else. It would seem this would need to be browser based and accessible via
> Android and other mobile platforms, in part so there could be a very large
> buy-in by those seeking such an alternative.
> And, I wonder, is it premature to consider this? Must we still rely on
> Twitter to at least broadcast messages to countries where it is "legal" to
> do so?
> I am open to any and all links concerning why, after 2011, Twitter "backed
> down." Strictly capitalism? Pressure from the CIA?
> Mark
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